Wells Parks & Recreation Department
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Date Published Author
3/10/2022 12:00:00 AM  Natalie Gould 

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Wells Harbor Community Park is scenically situated on Harbor Road in Wells. Its pristine marshes, glimmering dunes and beautiful harbor provide a perfect backdrop for an intimate wedding, family gathering or a special civic event. It is, by any measure, a lovely and ideal setting for memorable occasions.

Many people who frequent the Harbor Park and other areas of town wish to make a donation to contribute to the variety of on-going improvements and beautification projects currently underway. Wells Parks and Recreation offers several commemorative services to families who have lost a loved one and would like to memorialize them in the Town of Wells. Memorial options available are described below.

Donations can consist of a memorial bench with an inscribed plaque, a memorial paver around the flag pole, a memorial tree to be planted in town and/or funding for park improvements. 

Please complete the form on the attached below to order your memorial.

Donations should be made payable to: TOWN OF WELLS, and mailed to Wells Recreation, 208 Sanford Road, Wells, ME 04090.

Donation Amount Description
Memorial Bench $ 1500.00 Memorial benches, are composed of synthetic wood with concrete bases. Each bench features a bronze plaque recessed into the bench featuring your inscription (limit 25 characters per line. Maximum: 3 lines). The purchase of your bench includes 10 years maintenance. The Town will maintain memorial benches but is not responsible for damage to benches caused by coastal storms. Bench locations can be requested but are not guaranteed indefinitely. Bench locations are limited.

Memorial Paver   $ TBD
Not Yet Available
Memorial pavers may be purchased featuring your inscription (limit 25 characters per line. Maximum: 3 lines) to be added around the flag pole at the Wells Harbor Community Park.

Plant a Tree $300-$400
Based on species
Trees are placed on areas maintained by the Town of Wells, including public land, parks, roadsides or public areas such as the library/town hall, so that the Town of Wells may preserve the rights to maintain the memorial tree throughout its life.  
A variety of tree species are available to choose from; Wells Parks & Recreation reserves the right to make the final tree selection considering factors like the desired location and future maintenance, but will work with the interested parties in the tree selection process. The price for a memorial tree and installation varies based on tree species selected. Species and prices may vary based on market value and availability.
GPS coordinates will be cataloged to map the location for each memorial tree planted. This catalog will be available at www.wellsrec.org.
In the future (date TBD) your GPS coordinates will be imprinted on a brass leaf on a commemorative wall at Wells Harbor Community Park.

Park Donation $ Specify amount.

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